Steinway Pianos

Vintage STEINWAY Grand Pianos
Restored to Look and Perform As New!

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The restoration of a Vintage Steinway Grand Piano evolves in the K&W Meyer piano factory located in Kalisz, Poland¹. The K&W Meyer Company has been devoted to the restoration of Vintage Steinway Grand Pianos for over three decades. Each restoration is the consummation of European handcrafted piano building. These iconic Vintage Steinway Pianos are exclusively represented here at the Nevada Piano Store. An appointment is emphasized in order to provide you with a private audition of these piano masterpieces. Read more:

The Vintage Steinway Sound

The K&W Meyer Steinway restoration process adheres to a very exacting set of manufacturing procedures that assure an accurate re-birth of a Vintage Steinway Piano that is perfectly prepared for its next destination and assignment. For example, the soundboard that is within a Steinway Piano is not replaced as is generally the case in “re-built” and repaired Steinways. One step in the K&W Meyer restoration process includes the re-construction and calibration of the soundboard that is already inside the piano. This restoration step includes the meticulous woodworking procedures necessary to bring the soundboard back to its original specifications of density, shape and crown in order to recapture its as-new qualities of sound and power. In simple terms, a K&W Meyer restored Steinway Grand Piano re-gains its original resonance and tonalities from a quality of vintage spruce wood that is virtually impossible to find and harvest today. Consider the Messiah Stradivarius Violin: handmade in 1716, now valued at $20 Million, and played today by internationally known violinists in the 21st Century because of its rich and distinguished sound. The same goes for a K&W Meyer restored Steinway…each restored piano regains its original vintage Steinway voice!

The Vintage Steinway Touch

The K&W Meyer “one piano at a time restoration system” is imposed upon every part of the instrument. For example, the Steinway key and action assemblies are re-constructed so that each of the 88 key-hammer-damper mechanisms are restored back to the original Steinway factory specifications of touch and response as recognized and demanded by concert pianists around the world.

The Vintage Steinway Look

Every K&W Meyer restoration job is completed by using the original Steinway furniture cabinet parts. Individual hardware fittings and trims are re-finished to a perfect fit and beautiful luster. It is virtually impossible to distinguish the tone, touch and high-end aesthetics of a K&W Meyer factory restored Steinway Grand Piano when positioned side by side with its new Steinway counterpart.

Your Vintage Steinway Investment

One of our vintage restored Steinway Grand Pianos will elevate your personal living space to a new level of elegance and charm. And the pièce de resistance of a K&W Meyer restored Vintage Steinway Grand Piano is its price…a fraction of the price as compared to the same new Steinway Grand Piano model. All restored Vintage Steinway Pianos include a five-year K&W Meyer factory warranty.

¹ The City of Kalisz is in central Poland and became known as a center of piano manufacturing in the late 19th Century.

Click here for technical specifications of the K&W Meyer Factory Steinway Restorations:

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Piano Restoration Technical Specifications

K&W Meyer Piano Factory Photos

Prices, specifications and availabilities subject to change without notice.
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